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Sep 27, 2004 2:46 pm Boston Hip-Hop Alliance
Darcie Wicknick
Dear Friends,

Lately I have been hearing from MANY clients and colleagues about an issue that has also been on my mind for years... "Why isn't Boston on the map on a bigger scale?" and "Why does Hip-Hop not get love in Boston when there are so many people here dedicated to the art?" In addition, "Why aren't Boston Hip-Hop labels making it to the next level?"

In a conversation with my friend Clifton Bennett, a Gospel Hip-Hop producer, he raised the question as to why there is not a Hip-Hop summit in Boston. I heard from other sources that there are organizations doing something to that effect but this has yet to be confirmed... (if you're out there, tell me! I want to come!)

So with all these pieces together, I decided that with all the diverse talents and resources all of these entities possess, along with a common mission of raising awareness and appreciation of Hip-Hop in the Boston area and out to the nation, that we could really have something if we united somehow. And thus, the idea for the BOSTON HIP-HOP ALLIANCE was born.

The Boston Hip-Hop Alliance will serve as a forum for the Boston Hip-Hop community to meet, discuss issues, and devise varied partnerships and programs, and more.

Over time members could help each other meet their goals by sharing information, hiring each others companies, partnering on projects, co-hosting shows, developing community education plans, and anything else that we can think of to work in a positive direction and elevate conscious Hip-Hop.

The goal is not one of financial gain, though we hope that networking and collaborations will allow all of us to prosper of course! More of a collective of people with a common goal to make the experience of Hip-Hop artists, producers, promoters, etc. better in the city of Boston, and to increase our visibility and voice.

The group is new, and our members are listed below.

We need you!

I'd love to get together and just have a brainstorm meeting in the next month or so, and just see what we come up with as a group! To join this alliance, please email me with the following info so we can start to make things happen!

Preferred Name:



What you do:

Email address:

All the best!
Darcie Wicknick

Darcie-Nicole Wicknick, Founder of "...Ask Darcie" and Lead Vocalist of Velvet Stylus

Clifton Bennett, Gospel Hip-Hop Producer

James Auburn, Hip-Hop Historian and Hip-Hop/Soul Keyboardist for Velvet Stylus

NO FEES OR DUES TO JOIN! This is just a collective of colleagues!

The Boston Hip-Hop Alliance: Vision. Visibility. Voice.

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